The process continues
14 days ago
– Sat, Jan 04, 2025 at 02:08:06 PM
Hello everyone!
We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year! We sure did.
On to business! Our commissioned artists are hard at work finishing up the remainder of the pieces, to include some of the backer pledge rewards as as well. To those that are concerned about the physical rewards involved with their purchase, know that those will be going out with the book when it is shipped, so don't worry if you have not seen anything from that yet.
We have had some further difficulties with artists and equipment or other issues. This has given us a few set back as far as the timeline is concerned, and we will be considering pushing back the release just a little more to finish the art pieces that have already been page for. It is important that we have these art pieces for proper formatting of the document and illustrations of concepts within the book. Please standby for further updates in this regard.
Our editor, Megan, is hard at work has she pours over the text to make sure that it reads well and is understandable. Myself(Kori) along with Megan are double and triple checking that anything that uses the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules, is using the correct language and is easily understandable within the confines of the game.
Here is an awesome piece from Domen Karun (Karundo Art)
As always, it is a pleasure to be able to send out these updates to keep all of you up to date on the project!
Have a wonderful New Year!!!
about 1 month ago
– Sun, Dec 08, 2024 at 07:29:48 PM
Hello everyone,
This should be a fairly simple update just to let you know that we are still working on the project.
We have had a few snags on the frequency with which awe are acquiring art pieces. Many artists have had family emergencies and other issues keeping them from being able to get art pieces out on a reliable time, but we are still moving forward on the project.
We have sent out another reminder to those that have not completed their Backerkit surveys. It should only take a few moments to complete and will ensure that shipping and any add-ons are accounted for.
Thanks everyone for you continued support.
Stay Radiant,
Things are moving along!
2 months ago
– Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 01:48:21 PM
Wonderful supporters,
It has been a bit since our last update. For that we apologize, but it is for a few reasons. Firstly, things have been moving along smoothly and as intended and it felt a little unnecessary, but we understand that may not have felt the same for you. Second, there have been some life factors that have made time very short for us(specifically me, Kori the author). We are a very small team of just two people, not including artists, currently. We have plans to expand the number of people on the project, though this is not likely to happen before the launch of the first book.
With all of that being stated things are on track and it still appears that we will be delivering both rewards and the product at around February 2025, though the date is still tentative.
We put out the Backerkit survey a while back to try and get ahead and give our backers plenty of time to update their addresses and select add-ons if they so wished. With that being stated there are still a few that have not finished the Backerkit survey and we will likely be reaching out to you in the coming weeks with an updated request to complete those. If your address has changes since you have filled out the survey you need only update it on Backerkit before we launch.
The all of the required art is nearing its completion which is very exciting. WE have completed a number of the backer reward pieces and we will be moving forward with the print out and full spreads here shortly. With that being stated I would like to share an image of the new playable races, to include a human for scale. These were completed by both Luan Bindewald and Emi Nomoka
Thank you to all of our backers and your patience!
Iz'Areth Campaign Setting
4 months ago
– Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 01:48:54 PM
Hello All!
Reminder requests have just been sent out to everyone through BackerKit that have yet to complete their surveys. So keep an eye out for that and check your spam folder if you have not completed this step yet. It's important that we get your mailing address correct and it will give you another option to add to your purchase.
On other notes, our commissioned artists are hard at work, and so too is our editing! We have been combing through specifically in the last week classes and religion in Iz'Areth looking for grammatical errors, plot holes, inconsistencies, game balance and more. We want this to be a book that truly belongs on your shelf along side your other RPG books.
This is the latest piece from Daniel Cunha depicting the capital city of Madraw of Bruxwhar. Bruxwhar is a nation know for competition. They seek to win, fights, feast, and fanfare. Boisterous are the men and women of Bruxwhar, as each spring and summer many travel the coastlines looking for battle and challenge, and often head into the norther territory of the Kazaha Plains looking to best the swordmasters.
Thank you everyone and have a wonderful week!
The ball keeps rolling!
4 months ago
– Sat, Sep 21, 2024 at 01:20:30 PM
Hello backers!
Thank you everyone in the custom art tiers for getting in your surveys, be prepared for questions to come if more detail is needed, but you requests are in with our artists and we are anxious to see how great these will be!
We have had a few set backs, however. As we mentioned in our last update, we are one very important artist shorter, and have had to do some major reorganizing and distribution of labor. Additionally, formatting of the book is proving to be taking longer than is expected, and artists have needed to request more time due family emergencies. With this being said, we are going to have to push back the expected release date to sometime in February. We, just as I am sure you, are disappointed with this outcome, but the ball keeps rolling, even with these setbacks.
On a more cheerful note, artwork from our amazing artist is still pouring in. Check out this new unknown creature that has been terrorizing the lands of Bruxwhar of the Griffon's Claw Coasts in Iz'Areth. They are numerous and appear to be on the hunt for Luminous Shards. Created by JuneWil C. Dael