
The World of Iz'Areth Campaign Setting

Created by Fireball in a Teacup Press

An exciting new campaign setting for Paizo's Pathfinder Roleplaying game; Iz'Areth Campaign Setting.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys and Backer Kit Surveys
3 months ago – Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 12:49:02 PM

Survey(s) are out a should be in you inbox!

Backerkit Survey: For everyone, you should be seeing a survey from BackerKit. This service is allowing us the ability to give you a few more options on the back end, and make sure that we have things like you address correct when we ship out. 

Google Forms Survey: For those with custom character art tiers, this survey should have arrived via email from the [email protected] to the email address associated with you Kickstarter account, and is the form required to submit your custom character details. Please respond to this survey ASAP. This will give us time to work with you to make sure we have all the details correctly AND to give our artist an ample amount of time to create you masterwork character concept.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with us.


Backer Kit in bound
3 months ago – Fri, Jul 05, 2024 at 04:26:33 PM

Hello everyone, 

After reviewing some things, we have decided that BackerKit is the way for us to move forward with the process. This will allow us to better meet the needs of you, and it will also allow for you to make potential extra purchases, if that is something that you desire. You can also point your friends to the BackerKit landing page too to purchase a book or PDF if they missed the window. Expect to see a BackerKit survey in the very near future.

For those of you with custom character art, the process moving forward is going to be a bit different and you are going to be seeing an email from the Fireball in a Teacup team with a separate Google Forms survey with questions about your character design. We are currently getting that taken care of. 

As for the the next few steps we are currently communicating with our artist and working on some awesome designs for the book. 



Surveys on the way
4 months ago – Sun, Jun 23, 2024 at 02:47:03 PM

Hello everyone.

Just an update on where things are in the process. We are currently working on making surveys for the tiers that require additional information to illustrate their custom characters in the book. After creating the first set of surveys, ensuring that they looked good and asked the right questions, we got an email from Kickstarter that stated that they were going to redo the entire survey process with updated and more robust survey systems. So with this we have decide to hold off and recreate the new surveys after the 25th of this month once the new system is in place. That means it might take a bit longer to figure out what is new and recreate these surveys. 

The Art

Within the last week we have also reached out and started communicating with out artists to makes sure that when Kickstarter allocates the funds to us we can start ordering art ASAP. With that being said, we have started the process of determining what art exactly is needed and where custom character art can fit within that. We know that those of you that have supported us at a custom character tier will have some truly brilliant characters, and we want to make sure that they are illustrated well.

Continued work on the writing continues. 

There isn't much more to state on this. The rules and the world are built, but we have found that a few places could use a bit more attention and thus are getting the proper treatment. 

Thanks for your support.


We made it!
4 months ago – Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 09:22:50 AM

We did it! 

Thanks to all of you and your combined efforts, the Iz'Areth Campaign Setting will truly come to life and it could not happen without your support. This is the spark that will continue into a flame and allow for use to create something much larger in the future. 

Thank you for this. 

Expect more updates in the coming future. For everyone that in the tiers with custom character art, expect contact within the coming weeks about character creation. 

There really isn't much more to say at the monent. Truly, thank you. 

We at Fireball in a Teacup Press will have our noses to the grind stone and make this the best campaign setting we absolutely can.

~Kori & Megan

Less than 12 hours remain
4 months ago – Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 07:16:58 PM

Thank you everyone that has supported this dream. We have less than 12 hours remaining in this campaign and I am so glad you all were able to help make this a reality. 

As this is the end of the campaign, I ask that you share one last time and find others that may be interested. This is the last chance to get in at the ground floor. 

Because this is the end of the campaign, it is also your last chance to change your pledge. If you would like to have your own custom character in the book, consider upgrading to a tier that supports that.

We are nearing our first stretch goal and are in our final hours. Anything at this point could help us reach out next stretch goal, and to be transparent, it is a lower level adventure path to get everyone accustomed to the world, in addition to what is planned to be in the back of the Campaign book. If this interests you, consider a pledge at a higher tier.

Thank you all so much. This means the world to us at Fireball in a Teacup Press 

~Kori & Megan